Aikido of Owensboro   

Mushinkan Dojo

                    Owensboro, Kentucky                           

Class Schedule:

Mon, Wed, Fri  (7:00 am - 8:15 am) 

Tues, Thurs (6:15 - 7:45 pm)

Aiki - Kids  Tues/thurs (5:00 - 6:00 pm) 

Sat 9-11 am (General & Weapons)

We now offer Yoga on Monday and Wednesday at noon.... Wednesday, Friday and Sunday evening. at 5:30pm......

Suggested practice: (Members of all styles and affiliations are always welcome at Aikido of Owensboro )

It's recommended Aikidoka arrive 10-15 minutes early to dress, quietly center yourself and warm up individually, to be ready to start class on time. This is a practice of the Aikido training philosophy to "be ready".  We mindfully practice being prepared to train and attend class fully, so that we habitualize being prepared and attending fully our lives.  We train to develop focus and conserve our energy, to have it available to extend completely and appropriately for the good of the whole, without wasted time or absent-mindedness.  This is not to suggest anyone cannot arrive late if circumstances require it.  A late start is better than missing practice.  If you arrive after class has begun, dress without delay, and sit quietly on the side of mat until recognized by the presiding instructor. Then bow in unobtrusively and join class as seamlessly as possible.


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